
My Vket

Webブラウザから簡単に使える新メタバースサービス「My Vket」に関するマガジンです。 https://vket.com


【完全網羅】My Vketとは何?なにができるか徹底解説!使い方記事まとめ

アップデートを繰り返し、進化し続けている「My Vket」。 時々SNSで話題になっているのを見たことがあるかたもいらっしゃるのではないでしょうか! 今回は改めて、My Vketとは何か・できることを徹底的にまとめました! 大ボリュームの記事になっているため、目次を見て気になる部分だけでもぜひ読んでみてください!! それではさっそくご紹介していきます! 🔸My Vket とは一言でいうなら、「ブラウザで楽しむメタバースSNS」といったところでしょうか。 その機能は非

[MyVket] AvatarMaker new function "Browse Mode" added! New parts and parts with changeable textures are now available!

Avatar Maker has been updated on June 29, 2023! This time, there are plenty of contents such as the new function "Browse Mode", the addition of uniform-like parts, and the addition of parts that can be replaced with textures ! In this art

[MyVket] What is the makeup function? ? Introducing how to use it!

Avatar Maker is a function that allows you to easily create an avatar with My Vket . "Makeup function" has been installed in this update! This article is an article that summarizes how to use the makeup function. Before that, what is Avat

[MyVket] You can make your own original clothes! Explain how to use the texture replacement function!

New feature "texture replacement" added in the update on February 22, 2023. About this function added to Vket Avatar Maker , we will summarize while answering the questions "What is a texture in the first place?", "Is it difficult to repla

[MyVket] How to use Vket Avatar Maker! (18 images)

The beta version " My Vket " , was released on December 13th ! ! We will introduce how to use Vket Avatar Maker using 18 images! You can easily create an avatar in your browser, so please try it while reading the article. My Vket official

[My Vket] Introducing how to use Vket ROOM! 20 images

The beta version of My Vket was released on December 13th. In this article, we will explain how to use the new tool "Vket ROOM" ! Let's open "ROOM" from the left side menu of My Vket! *You need to log in to your Vket account to play. Also

Introducing how to enjoy My Vket! You will know the functions and tools!

"My Vket" was released on December 13th. You must be really curious what kind of functions it has! This time, we will introduce what you can do with My Vket and how to enjoy it. (Effective functions as of 2022.12.11 / Functions are schedul