Come one, Come all... be a Vket Exhibitor using the web-based "Vket Booth Maker"!
With popularity of VRChat and expectations for the next Vket / Virtual Market is growing every day, the time has come to announce that exhibition applications for Vket2024 Winter are about to open!
Are you interested in exhibiting at Vket, but worried about needing Unity knowledge or technical skills? Good news! Vket has introduced a brand-new web based booth creation / submission tool… the "Vket Booth Maker" for making everybody a proud Vket exhibitor!

Vket Booth Maker is a new submission tool allowing you to build your own booth in My Vket without hassle and easy steps!
Best of all, you can create and submit your booth from PC or smartphone browser, without the need for any additional apps!
4 Reasons Why You'll Love the Vket Booth Maker
1. No Special Skills Required!

Previously, exhibiting at Vket required knowledge related to 3D modeling, Unity, and VRChat world creation. With the Vket Booth Maker, you can exhibit without any specialized expertise… all you need is passion and the will to participate in Vket!
*Submission by Unity is also available as like previous events! This submission method is suitable for creating complex, detailed gimmicks within your booth.
2. a Specialized "3D Item Marketplace" for Exhibition Support

Vket Booth Maker supports the sale of 3D assets for booth creation support!
A marketplace featuring booth templates, display furniture, price tags, signs, and more will be available to enhance your creativity. This marketplace is intended to create "a platform for creators - helping other creators!"
3. Save and Reuse Your Booth

Booths created with Vket Booth Maker can be submitted to Vket, and may be exportable in various formats in the future.
For example, your booth could be exported in a format that can be stored in your avatar, or even might be converted into a format usable in worlds outside Vket… your previous booth creations will be a asset for your future creations, and revolutionize the exhibition workflow in the virtual space!
4. New Feature: Add Videos!

For the first time, you can now add videos to your booth when submitting through Vket Booth Maker.
This will be an ideal method for product exhibition or promotions!
What Can I Create?
With Vket Booth Maker, you can create booths like these:

Note that Vket Booth Maker is not ideal for creating booths like below, so submission by Unity is required!

Interested? Start your Vket Exhibition!
Vket Booth Maker is suited for creators below:
Blender users who find Unity setups difficult
3D modelers who struggle with world creation, but have their own Item lineup
Beginners who are new to Unity and Blender
Creating a booth and showcasing your creativity at Vket is a rewarding experience. We encourage everyone to participate, and we will continue our support for "Vket Booth Maker" and all passionate creators!
→ Apply for Vket Exhibition (Jump to official website)
Challenge the Booth Maker Grand Prix

The "Vket Booth Maker Grand Prix" will be held during this event, where 3D asset creators can compete their assets by the number of times used by booth creators, or the creativity and uniqueness of each 3D assets.
If you have your own 3D asset creations, now's the chance to challenge the grand prix and win various awards!
Exhibitors using the Vket Booth Maker can also find various booth templates and display items throughout the upcoming announcements and activities related to this season's event.
All purchased items can be directly used for creating booths in Vket Booth Maker!
If you have previously exhibited in Vket, or are interested in expanding your asset business for booth assets, please consider exhibiting your booth templates and 3D assets in "Vket Booth Maker Grand Prix"!
→ Enter the Booth Maker Grand Prix!
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